Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/30/2012
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Thank you, AVW for making my condo come alive.
Thank you, AVW for making my condo come alive. I have a northwestern exposure and as long as I have lived there (23 years) have enjoyed the sunsets. However, I had the original aluminum windows which shook in the wind (had to put a sock in it to sleep) and the screens, well you can imagine how sad they were (I had to patch one where the cat went through it). So, I had been listening to the commercials on the radio (KFI, KABC, KFWB) for about two years and finally decided to take the plunge, after urging from my friends to do so, and call AVW. I got an appointment for Dean to come out after I got home from work, at 7:00 pm, and had my friends attend too. We got a lesson in windows. We were like school kids for an hour looking at all the new toys we could have. Well, Dean gave me a very good deal on living room and bedroom windows, and a balcony sliding door. I chose the tan vinyl. So then the second measure appointment with the boss came up and my friends were there for that too. We were so excited because we were getting closer to having windows that did a sunset justice. About one month later my windows had been built (I had to have a custom patio sliding door) and an installation date for a Saturday was set to accommodate my work schedule. The four installers arrived at 8:30 am and were done by 2:30. It was a major job since every window in the condo was being replaced at the same time. Alex and Juan, excuse me, but can't remember the other two fellows names, were so professional. Just getting the new windows up to the second level of my condo was a job unto itself. I tell you, they figured out where to unload them and raise them up for installation. I was very glad to see the old windows go. They didn't go without a fight, however, it took a lot of heavy equipment to remove them. It took two days for my cat to speak to me again after the disruption, but he sure likes looking out over his kingdom through the new windows (and so do I). After the installers had packed up (and boy do they have a lot of equipment to deal with) and cleaned up (my condo was cleaner after they left for sure) I treated my friends to dinner at the Marina. Fun was had by all and we celebrated AVW doing such a fine job for us. I recommended AVW to my neighbors who dropped by to witness some of the process. Good job, AVW!!
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