Anthony G.'s review of Computer Video Electronics, Inc.

Computer Video Electronics, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/28/2009
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Review 5/28/2009
these people are swindlers- a text book example, they are very good at it! Perhaps the city doesn't mind as long as they only swindle tourists? They put what was supposed to be a mini sd card into my camera.It in fact was micro sd. He told me that it was the right thing for my camera. It was not, it did not work . They got me to sign a receipt for $239 while making me think it was for $8, because $8 was what the register display read. there were no refunds, so as soon as i signed the receipt, they took it and that was it. I knew at that point I was robbed, but didnt know what to do about it. It was more than a month before i actually tried to use the card in my camera and discovered it was not the right one. I didnt try use it until then because i wanted to give it back and get my money back. how did they trick me? by using pretty much every trick in the swindlers handbook (if there is one): He was very charming, upbeat, and friendly.(Even after i knew i was robbed, i came back there and he reassured me i got a good deal- he was very believable! He seemed so honest and genuine. if it was not for the facts in front of me, i would have totally believed him.)) When i first came in the store i had my camera out so they would give me exactly what i needed. He asked me where I'm from, I said NY. He said "alright!" and gave me a high five. (I expected him to follow up by saying he's from NY, but no, unbeknown to me he was simply excited that it was "game time". When I asked how much it would cost he responded with a joke. when i asked how much other stuff would cost he responded with reasonable prices, thus reassuring my confidence in him that he is totally honest. I spent a while there while he was looking for the "right card". the whole time we were talking, and he seemed very friendly and honest and genuine. I guess it was so i would let my guard down. He told me that the card he has will increase my cameras resolution. Then he got the "right card" and put it into my camera. the package included mini sd adapter in the label. the card he jammed into my camera, i later discovered (a month later when i finally decided to use it) was micro sd. the mini sd adapter was a size that would not fit. He put it into my camera and kept it in there so i would not see that it read micro sd on the card itself. the biggest shock was how the expected $8 charge turned out to be over $200. the display on the register read $8 something. I thought this was a good deal. then the guy distracted me, then gave me a pen to sign the reciet, as i was signing i noticed the receipt read over $200. it was too late. they took the receipt and thats that.
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