Dave F.'s review of FastFloors.com


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/15/2017
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Promise rebates so price looks good, full on scam you out of them.
So I did a lot of research, a lot of it (and I'll skip by how they try to confuse you by talking price per foot, shipping, rebate,etc). I talked with the sales people at FastFloors.com and expressed my concern about this rebate situation. The sales person (Jason) got his floor supervisor on the phone, they both assured me that they have been in business for a long time and that they obviously are not the type of company that would try to screw us or they wouldn't be in business. To get the best price, he said that he would discount the shipping but charge a little more on the floor to compensate. He said that he had to have something on the shipping or the marketing team would not like that, but that we are fine. I said to both Jason and his supervisor that I just wanted the end price with the rebate, they can move it around however they need to. They said “Yes, you will absolutely get your rebate.”

I finally ordered my high-end Kahrs flooring after multiple assurances that everything was in order and that we would receive our rebate ($1,000) if we ordered through them. This put them a little bit lower on price than the competition if the rebate came through. I also ordered a bunch of transition strips, but was told that the rebate would not work. There were issues with shipping being delayed a few weeks (had installers on stand-by). It finally came and was not complete, I got ahold of them again and they shipped out some new parts.

As soon as I got my shipping information I called the sales person to make sure I was filling everything out correctly and sending it in correctly. He assured me, and I sent it via certified mail so I knew it was received. I also took pictures of everything along the way so it was documented. This was all done with lots of time to spare, so we should have been all good. We waited and waited, then heard from the rebate people that our rebate was denied. No explanation, nothing. We wrote them back that this was a mistake and resent everything. We called Jason, he said to write them back and also write the CEO because he always answers. No response from the CEO, the rebate center said no rebate. We wanted to call and talk to them, that’s not possible. We wanted to talk to the CEO, not possible either. They said “email him, he responds to 100% of emails”…no he doesn’t. Never responded. I called Jason and asked what was going on, that he assured me we would get a rebate. His response….”You still got a nice floor for a decent price” Are you serious?!!! I informed him that this was much higher than the local competitor, he just kept repeating that and saying I should be happy.

I called later and talked to a different salesman, explained to him what went on and he looked into it and said “I see no reason you should not get your rebate, everything is in order and qualifies. Unless he changed the shipping amount.” I said “He discounted it $50 because he said he could offset the price”. The salesman said “He should have told you that this would ruin the rebate.” So here is what happened, the Jason, the original salesman and his supervisor knowingly changed that by $50 so they could screw us on the rebate. Unreal, and when called out on it his response was that we still have a nice floor?! I am beyond appalled, I have tried and very nicely written the CEO to no avail, the salesperson Jason acknowledged that he screwed us over, but said it was still a nice floor for a decent price (though higher than the competition). I had high hopes, but I cannot believe that the CEO nor the rebate center will talk with us or even respond. This is beyond wrong.

I will also add that I sent the rebate team the emails from their salesperson that outlined the pricing he setup, said exactly what the rebate was, and said that I qualified for it. It was all in writing from their rep and they still denied it. I also wrote and sent the same information to the CEO, and no response. I really wanted to love this company and continue to buy flooring for other remodels. It was said to see such a blatant scam being done. And for reference, it's approach a year since I ordered my floors, they keep denying the rebate even though I have supplied all information and proved it was all done on time and in accordance with their rules.
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