Will have years of trouble now.
My wife and I fell for the lines Dan Clark fed us. He told us we were in an upside down mortgage and that they could negotiate with our bank to get us not only lower payments but a reduced mortgage altogether. We paid him over $4000 and he and Stephanie Smith went to work. After a full month and a half of no results we started getting threatening calls from our bank to start making payments. Stephanie told us this was only a scare tactic from our bank and to ignore it. We lasted three and a half months when Stephanie Smith called me and said that there was nothing they could do for us. She said we could file for a refund which was clearly stated in our contract. By that point we were almost four months behind on our mortgage and were threatened with foreclosure calls. Both Dan and Stephanie disappeared and ignored all emails and calls. We never got our refund and our near-perfect credit scored was destroyed completely. A full year later and we are still working with our bank on repairing the damage. Our mortgage has been extended, our credit weakened, and seven years of perfect mortgage payments erased and we have to now start over. We have taken so many avenues to go after Home Care Alliance Group. I've called the attorney generals of New York and California, District Attorneys of New York and California, private lawyers who said that we would have to pay $5000 and there was a dim hope of even finding them, 20/20, Help me Howard. No help from anyone. This will now take us several years to fix the credit damage this caused us. I hope my story can help someone from making a similar error in trusting this scam company.