Randy Ashburn / Problem Resolution
After a long period of waiting and multiple discussions with two sales representatives at WDM I made the decision to purchase a junk bag of silver half-dollar coins. I worked with Randy Ashburn to finalize the purchase; funds were wired transferred and I awaited delivery of my silver coins. I decided to have the package delivered at work so I could tale personal possession. The silver purchase was not completed until mid-afternoon on Friday and I did not anticipate delivery until Wed. The package was delivered on Tuesday and signed for by the receptionist. When she called me to the front for my package, it was apparent the package had been tampered with. Both outside seams were totally split and the canvas bag was hanging out. When I opened the package that evening at home I noticed the top of the bag was secured with clear packing tape. After counting the coins, I realized I was 81 coins short. The package was tampered with while in the possession of the USPS. Unfortunately, by signing for package, the receptionist voided the insurance. When I spoke with Randy and explained what happened he purchased the missing coins and had them delivered to me within a week of the original shipment. It was such a good experience to deal with a man of high character. Talk is so cheap these days; Randy did what he said he would do and earned my respect as a businessman and person. You can trust Randy to treat you fairly and to deal in good faith with a high degree of integrity. Donald R.